Write a report on your chosen business

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Reference no: EM132311806 , Length: word count:2500

Strategic Management Assignment - An Environmental Analysis Critique

Learning outcomes -

1. Critically analyse an organisation's existing competitive position, internally and externally, using a range of models and tools.

2. Research and design strategies to help an organisation achieve a sustainable competitive advantage consistent with its values and vision

For this course you need to choose an organisation which you will use for the first two assessments.

Choose a business you know well and are able to access the necessary information required to complete the assessment successfully. Please confirm your choice with me.

For Assessment - You are to write a report on your chosen business which gives examines the key trends and "dimensions of the external and internal contexts in which both the strategy ... and the strategy process are embedded' (Okumus, F., Altinay, L. And Chathoth, P. K. (2010) p. 39).

Your report will include:

A strategic position review (500 words) which

  • Introduces the business by giving a brief background (key points of the history of organisation, an overview of its structure, the scope of the organisation and any other relevant information).
  • Describes the strategies the business has currently.
  • Outline the company's Mission and Vision.

An environmental analysis (750 words) which focuses on the environmental factors that affect the strategic aspects of the business. In this analysis you need to both identify the factors and explain their significance to the business.

External Environment

  • Macro external environment (including using PEST tool)
  • Industry competitive environment (including using 5 forces)
  • Competitor Analysis

Internal Environment

  • Internal environment (resources, capabilities and core competencies)
  • The value chain

Recommend any strategies or tools that they could implement that could increase its competitive advantage (750 words) e.g. Closed market strategies, Strategic forecasting etc.

An Executive Summary (250 words) which summaries the essence of the report to highlight the key issues and conclusions of the report.

Conclusion (250 words) which Identifies the major strategic issues in the environmental analysis, and explains the implications of these issues in terms of strategy development.

You may also include appendices. Appendices contain extra or supplementary material which gives extra information which is too detailed to be put in the main report but you think will help illustrate some aspect of the report. Appendices need to organised, number with a letter or a number, referred to within the report and presented in professional manner.

Information sources - You will need to find some up to date information. This information can be found in:

  • Annual reports (look on the company website)
  • Business magazines and newspapers
  • Academic books and journals (particularly for generic information about the retail sector)

Format of the report - Your report should be written in business form layout.

Title Page

Executive summary

Contents Page

Strategic Position review

  • Background to the business
  • Strategic position

External Environmental analysis

  • Macro external environment
  • Industry
  • Competitor analysis

Internal Environmental analysis

  • Resources, capabilities, competencies
  • Value Chain



Appendices and References

For guidance on report writing see: Emerson, L. (2005). Writing guidelines for business students (3rd ed.). Victoria, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia Pty Limited.

Reference no: EM132311806

Questions Cloud

How much did the NY Times originally pay for all buildings : New York Times - Long-Term Assets - How much did the NY Times originally pay for all the buildings and equipment that it owned at December 31st, 2000
Explain benefits of qualitative and quantitative research : For your reply post, argue the benefits of qualitative and quantitative research with your classmates and determine which one is more important.
Discuss the term convergence with example : Discuss the term "convergence" and how it is illustrated by recent strategies adopted by Marriott and Airbnb. What are the risks of entering the home-rental.
Identify the demographic characteristics of target market : Identify the demographic characteristics of the target market for Kill_Kapture. What is/are the bases for segmentation (esp. demographics).
Write a report on your chosen business : BMGT7010 Strategic Management Assignment - An Environmental Analysis Critique, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Write report on chosen business
Sequence formed during transcription : What would be the mRNA base sequence formed during transcription, using the DNA sequence shown above?
What ways is the human brain different from other species : In what ways is the human brain different from other species (non-primate and non-human primate)? What are the features of a highly evolved brain?
How your product is superior to your competitions product : Create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions.
Convergent evolution and give examples : Explain how homology is different from convergent evolution and give examples. Briefly define homology and convergent evolution in your explanation.



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Word limit: 2,500 words. Professional appearance guidelines - Ensure you have lots of white space; your assignment will be easier to read. Print on only one side of the page. Be consistent in your formatting for things such as headings, subheadings, numbering, and in the way graphs and tables are presented. Leave a 3 cm space on the right hand side of each page for comments. Text should be 1.5 spacing.


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Marking Schedule - Content understanding and Analysis (70) Report shows subject knowledge, an understanding of key tools, and independent thought through the analysis and evaluation of information, concepts and uses appropriate evidence. Executive summary (5) Summarises the essential information about the report to highlight the key issues and conclusions of the report, in such a way that is easily understood by a range of stakeholders.


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Conclusions (10) Identifies the major strategic issues in the environmental analysis and explains the implications in terms of strategy development in a clear and specific manner. Presentation (5) Uses an articulate writing style which sets the content out in a logical order and links different parts of the report together Formatted using the conventions of business reports. Reading and Research, References (10) Evidence of independent research using a range of sources with appropriate selection of material which is referenced using APA 6 conventions both in text and in a reference list.

Write a Review

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