Write a report on the HR strategy of a company

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132274189 , Length: word count:3000

Assignment - Summative Assessment

Assignment Brief: The summative assignment for this module is a 3,000 word (+/- 10 per cent) individual report on the HR strategy of a (multi-national) company. The suggestion is EasyJet aviation company.

Using theories and models from the Strategic Management module (Semester One), you must first assess the available secondary data on your chosen company (e.g. financial reports, annual reports to shareholders, business press, specialist trade journals, published academic papers, etc.) to determine the company's business strategy. Based on this information, you should outline how and why a particular configuration of HR policies and practices might support the organisation's business strategy. Using any available secondary data on the organisation's actual HR policies and strategies, evaluate whether and to what extent current HR policies support the business strategy, and undertake an evaluation of how and why you might recommend changes to the organisation's current HR strategy.

Based on strategic HRM theory (most notably theories of 'best fit') it should be relatively straightforward to determine the 'most appropriate' HR strategy for the organisation in question. However, as information on the organisation's actual HR strategy, policies and practices may be harder to come by (depending on the company selected), this might be as far as some students will be able to take their analysis - in this scenario, you will need to focus on why particular HR policies and practices are 'most likely' to support/drive the organisation's business strategy, drawing on empirical evidence from the literature (e.g. similar firms in the same/similar industry) and relevant theory. Where data is available on the organisation's HR strategy/policies/practices, students should undertake an assessment of any 'gaps' between best practices/best fit and actual HR policies/practices, and then critically evaluate why such differences exist and to what effect.

Start your research by reading Chapter 3 of the core text by Boxall and Purcell (2015) where the authors discuss HR strategies in different contexts (manufacturing and services) and types of firm (multi-divisional and multi-national).

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Reference no: EM132274189

Questions Cloud

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Write a report on the HR strategy of a company : Assignment Brief: Write a report on the HR strategy of a (multi-national) company. The suggestion is EasyJet aviation company
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4/3/2019 10:01:15 PM

Instructions: Need 3000 words. Share Grammarly report along with the solution. The Subject assignment suggestion is EasyJet aviation company MASTER DEGREE. Example_Garuda_v2 file is just an example please do not copy paste.


4/3/2019 10:01:09 PM

Submission: Assignments must be 3,000 words (+/- 10 per cent) excluding bibliography and appendices. Assignments that exceed the +10 per cent limit will be penalized by the loss of 10 marks. If either are late or not submitted, you will be penalized as per the sanctions outlined in the MSc Student Handbook 18/19. The assignment should be written as an academic essay, using the Harvard Referencing System, and NOT as a report. Please use Times New Roman font (11 or 12 font), with 1.5 or double line spacing, 2.5cm margins and page numbers at the bottom of the page. Work is assessed for the knowledge and understanding displayed, the level of critical discussion, the quality of argument used in developing conclusions, the use of sources, the way that the assignment is structured and for style and presentation. These criteria form the basis for feedback provided by tutors and it is recommended that you take the time to study the guidelines at the end of this document (also available in the MSc Student Handbook 18/19).


4/3/2019 10:01:02 PM

Assessment Criteria - Knowledge and understanding - The assessment demonstrates that an excellent knowledge of the topic has been gained from careful literature research and wide ranging reading that goes beyond essential recommendations. Analysis and approach - Coverage and selection of the content is excellent. There is a clear analysis of the question or topic. A clear and creative ability to describe, analyse, and synthesise ideas is demonstrated. There is evidence of critical appreciation of relevant theory and research. Arguments are sound and substantial, with elements of originality. Organisation and structure - The assignment is internally consistent, coherent, concise and well structured. The introduction is well focused and provides a clear indication of the rationale, key literature base used and organisation of the work. The conclusion draws insights that are logically developed from the analysis.


4/3/2019 10:00:56 PM

Use of sources - The selection, interpretation, comparison, evaluation and integration of material from sources is extremely effective and demonstrates personal research, and with full critical awareness of their status and relevance. Style and presentation - The writing has a consistent and clear style that is highly appropriate. There is evidence of careful editing and proofreading. The layout of the assignment conforms to expectations and the length is consistent with requirements. Referencing is accurate, consistent and appropriate, and conforms exactly to recommended conventions.

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