Write a report investigating the key management issues

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131232537 , Length:

This assignment consists of two parts. Part A is a team assignment and should be completed in teams of three (3) students. (Marks will be deducted if the team does not have 3 members). You can choose your own team, but members need to be in the same tutorial session as you will be working on the assignment in the tutorials.

Part B consists of an individual component. All students need to submit a paper copy (to the assignment dropbox level 3 WS building) and one electronic copy on Blackboard of their individual assignment. Students will receive individual marks for Part B.

Read the Pike River case study (Anderson, 2014) as well as the article Independent, dependent and employee: Contractors and New Zealand's Pike River Coal Mine disaster (Lamare, Lamm, McDonnell & White, 2015) as background to the assignment.


Write a report investigating the key management issues that contributed to the poor safety culture at the Pike River Mine and resulted in the disaster that occurred on 19 November 2010 in which 29 people lost their lives.

Your report should contain the following sections:

Executive Summary (400 - 500 words) - brief overview of the key points covered in the report

1. Introduction (300 - 400 words) - briefly explain the context and the main points that will be addressed in the report.

2. Discussion (2100 - 2300 words) - Analyse the key management issues that contributed to the mining disaster. Include the following topics in the discussion:

i. Define the concept of a ‘safety culture' and discuss its importance for an organisation such as Pike River Mine

ii. Analyse how the extensive use of contractors impacted on the safety culture at the mine

iii. Analyse the impact of communication, team diversity and trust issues (eg. between mining managers and staff; contractors; mining management and the Pike Board of Directors) on safety at the mine

iv. Discuss how the safety reporting and possible safety accountability issues contributed to the disaster

Draw on management literature to support the discussion citing at least 6 high quality management sources.

3. Conclusion (400 - 500 words) - summarise the key findings / points from your analysis

4. Recommendations (800 - 900 words) - Identify at least 4 practical suggestions for managers based on the lessons from the Pike River Mine disaster. Also refer to how legislation (eg. the Health & Safety at Work Act, 2015) can help prevent similar disasters.


Write a reflection of your INDIVIDUAL experience of the team work to complete this assignment. The reflection should analyse what went well in your team process as well as identify areas for improvement. Some topics you may want to address in the reflection:
- Team development (stages)
- Team roles and allocation of tasks
- Communication (including virtual channels)
- Conflict
- Lessons for future team work

However, you do not need to discuss ALL the topics listed above. It will be more effective to select a few topics and address these in greater depth.

You need to integrate literature on group dynamics and teamwork into your reflection, citing at least 4 high quality sources in your discussion.

Attachment:- Pike River Case study.pdf

Verified Expert

The paper is about the tragedy that took place at Pike River coal mine and the recommendations for the managers. It starts with a brief introduction about the pike river coal mine and about the blast which took place there. The concept of safety culture has been discussed. Some factors influencing the establishment of strong safety culture in an organization. Then how the management issues, team diversity, trust have impacted the incident have been addressed. Few recommendations have been given to the managers from the lessons learnt.

Reference no: EM131232537

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10/21/2016 7:10:12 AM

First of all i would like to thanks for favouring me, i was short with the payment that's why i asked for partial payment first and then rest of. you are truley helping guys. i like the quality of the paper you have provided, its fantastic, really very good. thanks a lot. great work guys. i will be having more work soon. so will in touch with you.


10/6/2016 9:27:47 AM

okay , here a are extra files . 18010722_1Lamare et al reading.pdf 18010722_2ENGE600 S2 2016 Written assignment 2 Part A marking schedule.pdf 18010722_3ENGE600 S2 2016 Written assignment 2 Part B marking schedule.pdf what i need now is just half of part (a) because im going to work in a group i dont want to look suspicious so i need 2000 words so i can see what my partners thinck of it and then i can add and subtract . if howver i need something ill come here and tell and then iw ill pay as many words as write !!. rember i still dont know when i have to submit it . so i guess is still have time. just do what i copied down first then ill come back if i need anymore thngs. so part (a) 1 and 2 . so i need 2600-2700 words to be exact. thanks , make sure you see the marking criteria for the highest mark .


10/6/2016 1:30:13 AM

Read the Pike River case study (Anderson, 2014) as well as the article Independent, dependent and employee: Contractors and New Zealand’s Pike River Coal Mine disaster (Lamare, Lamm, McDonnell & White, 2015) as background to the assignment. Deadline for both Part A and Part B: 6 October, 2016 at 5 pm Maximum word count: Part A – 4500 words ( +/- 10%); Part B – 700 words (+/- 10%). This EXCLUDES Table of Contents; Reference List and any Appendixes. Presentation: Use Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt font with 1.5 line spacing. Use a report- style format including headings and sub-headings (do NOT number individual paragraphs). Start each section on a new page.


10/6/2016 1:28:50 AM

hey , so this is an assignment for engineering management . its supposed to be for a group however i am going to see what you can do first. its two parts a for the group and b for together . i need you too look at all the files i send because i need a good mark.

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