Write a report detailing why you have chosen china

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13845870

Individual Project - Importing from China to Canada: Your small hardware stores are now looking for a new source of supply for small house-ware products. You are free to choose the product and it could include such items as dishes, pots, small gardening equipment, and small electrical gadgets such as can openers or electric popcorn makers.

You will decide on importing one item from China that will be sold in your stores. You choose the product, but it must be compatible with the area it will be sold in (i.e. don't import leaf blowers into the treeless Arctic regions!), and you will have to look at the export requirements of the country you are getting the supply from, consider the transportation requirements, and look at any import restraints into Canada. You could choose the same country from Part 1 but once again, it would be good to choose an importing country that you are familiar with or have lived in (if possible). You will have to look carefully at the CBSA site, and determine any duty, permits, documentation, etc. that is required.

There is a lot of latitude on this assignment but it should be first and foremost a practical learning experience. Write a report detailing why you have chosen this product and country as source of supply, and what documents, duty and other details would be required for importation. Detail all the information that would be required on a Customs Invoice (for example, a Canada Customs Invoice), including the exchange rate and HS tariff.

Reference no: EM13845870

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