Reference no: EM132613971 , Length: word count:2500
You are to write a report comparing two different policy approaches to a contemporary social issue. Format suggestions are provided in the Report Scaffold located in the online class space.
Examples of policy approaches to consider:
• Harm minimisation versus abstinence in drug policy
• Compulsory income management versus spending autonomy for welfare recipients
• Restorative justice versus incarceration
• Adoption versus intensive family support programs
• Public versus private (including NGO) human services delivery
• Medical cannabis prescription versus prohibition
• 'Housing first' versus the 'continuum of care' approach to reducing homelessness
If you have another social issue and policy approach you wish to examine that is not on this list you must consult with your teacher first.
The report should include:
• A brief overview of the social problem.
• Some examples of how this approach has been described and framed in Australian media discussions.
• For each side of the debate (policy approach) provide:
o A broad overview of the policy approach, the key theory of government and the social values or philosophies that underpin the approach.
o An assessment of the evidence for the effectiveness of the policy, including information from formal evaluations if available
o A critique of the human rights implications of this policy approach and whether the policy or elements of the policy could be considered oppressive.
o In what circumstances could this policy approach be considered an appropriate response to an issue.
o In what circumstances could this policy approach be an inappropriate response to an issue.
• Consider each policy approach and describe which approach you broadly consider to be the most helpful in addressing the key social issue. Discuss how you would advocate for this including how you would balance the competing claims offered in the other approach.
Support your position with reference to human rights legislation and/or the AASW code of ethics.
• Outline at least two strategies you could use to advance your claim.
1. Relevance of answer to topic.
2. Key issue being examined is outlined including information on population groups and government departments that address this.
3. Assertions are supported with relevant academic sources, government reports, and other relevant references.
4. Policy positions are reported and analysed.
5. Position taken is argued for logically and consistently.