Reference no: EM133107517 , Length: word count:4000
Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity
Report: Write an individual report analysing their chosen example of an innovative company and its achievements/performance as an innovator (see Forbes list of innovative companies). The report will give particular emphasis to the role of creativity within the company and how value is captured from creativity through design and new product/service development management. The report should explore aspects such as:
Innovation strategy
Sources of innovation
Internal processes of innovation
Organisational structures for innovation
The role and impact of disruptive innovations
Development overtime and firm performance
Draw on their group presentation exercise, making use of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) methodology, to:
Identify a problem affecting the industry in which the selected company operates
Discover an entrepreneurial opportunity that can be pursued by the selected company to address the problem
Suggest an optimal solution that is simultaneously innovative and feasible
Market research and literature covered in the module (e.g. theories of opportunity identification, creativity tools etc.) should be used to structure the argument and provide evidence to substantiate the ideas generated.
Writing a Masters' level Report
Explore the key topics of creativity, innovation and ingenuity in literature
Use articles from the resource list to initiate research and then start identifying further works to build your understanding of the concepts
Use data collected on the company, illustrate how the company relates to the topics identified in the literature
Outline why the company is defined as innovative, based on how it relates to concepts in the literature (not only because it is on an innovative company list). Explore these at:
an individual level
an organisational level
Explore how the company protects their innovative position from competitors
Explore how the company works with other parties to develop products/services and come up with new ideas (ingenuity and networking)
Building on the above, analyse the feasibility of addressing a problem affecting the company's industry, in order to further enhance the long-term performance and competitive advantage of the chosen company
Provide evidence of reading around the topics of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial ingenuity and show an in-depth understanding of key concepts
Apply relevant theory and reference sources accurately
Critically discuss different viewpoints with arguments carefully developed and clearly expounded
Provide an in-depth analysis that reaches plausible and well-founded conclusions
Show originality of thought
Have a logical and coherent structure and clear presentation (including introductory and concluding sections)
How do we identify an Innovative company?
Attachment:- Assessment Brief.rar