Reference no: EM133777109 , Length: word count:500
Assessment instructions
Use the marking criteria and supporting academic references published after January 2022 to write a report about the treatment of epilepsy.
1. Conduct an advanced search
Search criteria: Any field contains - treatment of epilepsy.
Filters: Availability - Full text online, Peer-reviewed & scholarly articles, Publication date - from 2022-2025.
Locate three (3) relevant articles published after January 2022 about the treatment of epilepsy that interest you.
List the three (3) articles at the beginning of your report and also include them in the reference list.
Analyse the three (3) articles located from your search and write a report about the current recommendations for the treatment of epilepsy.
Discuss the relevance of these findings to your nursing practice. Support your discussion with evidenced based academic references published after January 2022.
Evidenced based academic references include journal articles, textbooks, consensus statements, clinical tools and reports published after January 2022.
The word limit is 500 words +10%. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. - The reference list is not included in the word limit.
- In-text citations are included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 550 words.
- Students must respond using academic writing - using full sentences and paragraphs.
- Label each section using report headings and numbers - 1, 2.
- The assessment requires double-spaced lines.
- Every answer should have in-text references. In-text references should be throughout the answer and not only at the end of a whole paragraph.
- The reference list begins on a new page with the title, "References".
- References are listed in alphabetical order based on the first author's surname.
- A hanging indent is required in the reference list after the first line of each reference.
- The title of textbooks and the name of the journal and volume is in italics.
- Every in-text reference must match with a reference in the reference list.
- Only references used in the in-text references should appear in the reference list.