Reference no: EM13876385
The purpose of the assignment is to find up-to-date information that you would need to know in preparing to do business with another country. Select a country that is a major U.S. trading partner in the textiles and apparel area. Prepare a written analysis of that country that will include information that would be helpful to know, such as;
1. Geographical location: language(s) spoken
2. Major cities: major ports: major airport availability
3. Natural resources: major agricultural crops
4. Major types of manufacturing
5. Major import and export: proportion of import and exports related to textiles and apparel: major trading partners in textiles and apparel
6. Skills and educational level of workers
7. Level of communications, power, and transportation infrastructure: any problems existing
8. Economic level of consumer: expenditures of consumers: potential for their being customers
9. Population
10. Gross domestic product (track since 2005)
11. Domestic inflation rate (track since 2005)
12. Trade balance (track since 2000)
13. Amount of foreign debt (track since 2004)
14. Social, religious, ethnic, etc. problems that might affect trade
15. U.S. exports to country, gross and textiles and apparel (track since 2002)
16. U.S. imports from country, gross and textiles and apparel (track since 2002)
17. Foreign investment in country
18. Growth rate of economy
19. Government structure: ruling party and attitude toward trade
20. Participation in international organizations, such as ISO (in English, International Standard Organization)
21. WTO or NAFTA members?
22. Potential for trading in textiles and apparel
23. Things to do or not to do if doing business in country
24. Name, address, phone no., fax no., for nearest embassy
25. Name, address, phone no., fax no., for nearest consulate
26. Name, address, phone no., fax no., for nearest trade office or trade promotion organizations in the U.S.
27. Name, address, phone no., fax no., for appropriate offices in country selected (Chambers pf Commerce or equivalent, trade associations, manufacturing associations)
28. Name and location of U.S. government and private organizations that could provide information or assistance
29. Internet sites for trade databases, business opportunities, exporters' directories for country.
You may not be able to find all the information listed above and you may think of other things that you would need or want to consider in deciding whether to become involved in trade with the country that you selected.