Reference no: EM131096650
Let Seq (x, y) be the set of all strings (of length 1 or more) composed of alternating x's and y's. For example, Seq (a, b) contains a, b, ab, ba, aba, bab, abab, baba, and so on. Write a regular expression that defines Seq(x, y).
Let S be the set of all strings (of length 1 or more) composed of a's, b's, and c's that start with an a and in which no two adjacent characters are equal. For example, S contains a, ab, abc, abca, acab, acac, . . . but not c, aa, abb, abcc, aab, cac, . . . . Write a regular expression that defines S. You may use Seq_x_ y_ within your regular expression if you wish.
Allbutlast be a function that returns all of a string
: Let AllButLast be a function that returns all of a string but its last character. For example, AllButLast(abc) = ab. AllButLast(λ) is undefined. Let R be any regular expression that does not generate λ. AllButLast(R) is the set of strings denoted..
Selling and relationship marketing
: The sales field has changed dramatically in the past few years. It's no longer about pushing unsought goods and products such as used cars, vacation time-shares or life insurance via cold calls and overly persuasive sales tactics.
Improve the contracting process
: Speculate what technology might be able to do in 15 years to improve the contracting process.
Macro and micro impacts of britain leaving the eu
: What is the macro and micro impacts of Britain leaving the eU?
Write a regular expression that defines seq
: Let Seq (x, y) be the set of all strings (of length 1 or more) composed of alternating x's and y's. For example, Seq (a, b) contains a, b, ab, ba, aba, bab, abab, baba, and so on. Write a regular expression that defines Seq(x, y).
Result of perceived sex segregation
: Have you observed sex segregation anywhere that you have worked? Have you placed limitations on your own goals as a result of perceived sex segregation?
Professional or personal situation
: Can you think of an example, in either a professional or personal situation, when you (or someone you know) made a decision based on assumptions related to gender stereotypes rather than based on empirical evidence or known facts? Tell us about it..
Strings composed of two identical repeated pieces
: Let Double be the set of strings defined as {s} s= ww}. Double contains only strings composed of two identical repeated pieces. For example, if you have a vocabulary of the ten digits 0 to 9, then the following strings (and many more!) are in Dou..
Certain types of businesses than others
: Many people have a dream of owning their own business one day. Do you think that most think about the various business forms in deciding which would be best for their type of business? Are some forms of business structures better suited for certai..