Reference no: EM133772950 , Length: word count:600
Applied Positive Psychology
Task Description
In Assessment 3, you will write a reflective journal to chronicle your reflections, insights, and ongoing development of knowledge and skills regarding the implementation of a self- administered positive psychology intervention for Assessment 2.
You will produce two reflective practice journal entries (600 words each, +/- 10%) documenting:
your growing understanding of how to design, implement, and evaluate positive psychology interventions in an applied setting. This will include reflection on why the specific positive psychology intervention was expected to be useful to your own personal or work circumstances.
evaluation of changes in your perceptions, beliefs, and behaviour during the self- administered positive psychology intervention. What have you noticed about yourself, your thoughts, emotions, relationships, or other aspects of your wellbeing since undertaking the intervention?
personal reflections on the barriers and enablers you experienced in completing a self- administered positive psychology intervention.
reflections of how might understanding of barriers and enablers faced inform your use of the intervention with others (e.g., clients) in the future?
While you will submit both journal entries at the same time, it is recommended that the first be written within the first 2 weeks of beginning your intervention and the second be written at the end of the intervention/shortly after completion of the intervention.
Rather than covering all points in both journal entries, it is recommended that you focus each journal entry in the following ways.
For Journal entry 1, it is recommended that you reflect on:
why the specific intervention was chosen, and the choices made regarding
intervention design, implementation, and proposed evaluation.
initial changes in perceptions, beliefs, behaviour, and other things you have noticed since beginning the intervention.
Initial barriers and enablers you have experienced in undertaking the intervention.
For Journal entry 2, it is recommended that you reflect on:
what you have learnt about designing, implementing, and evaluating positive psychology interventions.
overall changes experienced during the intervention, including reflection on any changes on measurement scales and why/why not change was evidenced on these scales.
overall barriers and enablers you experienced in completing the intervention and how you will able (or not) to overcome them.
how undertaking of the intervention will inform your future practice with clients. It is recommended that you choose a specific group (either one you are currently working with or one you would like to work with in the future).
The two reflective journal entries should discuss your personal experiences of the intervention, rather than reflections on the group work experience.
It is expected that you will relate your experiences (e.g., challenges, progress, outcomes, future work considerations) to what the positive psychology literature tells us about the particular intervention and, more generally, processes of change.
Assessment Criteria
You will be assessed on:
Understanding of design, implementation, and evaluation of applied interventions
Evaluation of changes in perceptions, beliefs, and behaviour during the self- administered intervention
Reflection on progress and challenges in implementing the self-administered intervention
Reflection of how self-administered intervention experiences might inform future use of the intervention with others
Quality of your written communication, including correct APA referencing and adherence to word count.