Write a reflection on the observation

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Reference no: EM133213867 , Length: Word Count: 5 Pages

Assignment - Nursing Clinical Field Experience A Observation Paper

Description - It is important to observe how the classroom teacher inserts formative assessment strategies into instruction to gauge how the lesson is going and if modifications are necessary. Discussing these strategies explicitly will help inform your future professional practice. 

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe a reading lesson in a pre-K to Grade 3 classroom taught by the classroom teacher. During the observation, identify the formative assessment strategies used by the teacher during instruction.

After the observation, discuss the lesson with your mentor teacher, particularly how the mentor teacher modified instruction based on the formative assessments. Review your pre-assessment tool with your mentor teacher and ask for feedback. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to identify 3-4 students that you could work with in a small group.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Following the field experience, write a reflection on the observation, including the formative assessment strategies you observed, and your discussion with your mentor teacher about the pre-assessment you created.

Reference no: EM133213867

Questions Cloud

What crimes surprised you the most for your area : What crimes surprised you the most for your area and why (List the top three and How does the information that you found effect your feelings of your neighborh
Describe the ethical concepts or laws : Describe the ethical concepts or laws that apply to the problem/issue and how they apply (eg. corporate governance, corporate social responsibility
List and briefly explain the three federal statutes : List and briefly explain the three federal statutes that provide a partial framework to regulate government interception of Internet communication
Briefly define and explain applicability and satisfaction : Briefly define and explain Applicability and Satisfaction as they apply to the legal framework of the Fourth Amendment.
Write a reflection on the observation : Following the field experience, write a reflection on the observation, including the formative assessment strategies you observed
Classification system should be valid and reliable : Define the risk principle, the needs principle, and the responsivity principle. How is each important to correctional treatment efforts?
How would you advise a community to increase its social : How can citizens (rather than law enforcement) work to enhance the police-community relationship and How would you advise a community to increase its social
How the concurrence relates to mens rea and actus reus : What constitutes a criminal act, Differentiate each mental state, Describe strict liability offense and ,Describe how the concurrence relates to mens rea
Determine the most common discharge destination for medicare : Use the New Analysis function database to determine the most common discharge destination for Medicare patients undergoing a hip replacement.


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