Write a reflection on each of the chosen video

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Reference no: EM131850819 , Length: word count:2000

Reflective Essay Assignment - Individual Assignment

For this assignment, you are required to write 5 reflective essays, each of 300 - 400 words length. These essays would be based on the videos that are part of the learning material for this unit. You are required to choose ANY five of the videos and write a reflection on each of the chosen videos.

The purpose of the reflection essay is to encourage a deeper exploration of the learning videos. Focus on interpreting a specific aspect of the videos rather than skimming the surface or giving general comments or opinions. A good starting point is to briefly identify how the ethical views/concepts impacted you, then move on to a critical approach, theme, or analysis of basic elements (such as identifying how the video's point of view and the ethical concepts taught are presented). Support your reflection with personal observations, reasoning and academic references.

Essay requirements: Your essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length. In addition, you should:

  • Ensure your main idea is clear (what is your insight?)
  • Engage the reader by using personal anecdotes
  • Effectively use dialogue to help the reader understand your subject
  • Support your reflections with personal observations and reasoning
  • Clearly document sources using Harvard referencing style

Conclude your essay by doing more than just summarizing what you've learnt so far. Revise to clarify and strengthen your reflections and edit to remove errors in spelling, grammar and mechanics so your writing is clear and readable.

Attachment:- Lecture Videos.rar

Reference no: EM131850819

Questions Cloud

Briefly summarize the case in your own words : Situation Analysis "Synopsis" - briefly summarize the case in your own words -You must read the entire case and then clearly explain what is happening.
Equilibrium price and quantity after the shift : The Supply Q= 6,000 +1000P find the equilibrium price and quantity after the shift of the demand curve.
Why availability of high bandwidth communications important : Why is the availability of high-speed, high bandwidth communications an important consideration in data center consolidation plans and decision-making?
Find the equilibrium price and quantity algebraically : The demand and supply curves for T-shirts in tourist town, U.S.A, are given by the following equations Demand: Q24,000-500P, Supply:Q6,000 + 1000 P
Write a reflection on each of the chosen video : Reflective Essay Assignment - Individual Assignment. You are required to choose ANY five of the videos and write a reflection on each of the chosen videos
Prepare a risk mitigation report : MBA612 choose a particular multinational firm to investigate. The risk mitigation report will then consist of two main parts - draw relevant and critical
Conditions for a perfectly competitive market : What are the conditions for a perfectly competitive market? What are the conditions for a monopolistic market?
Contracts to hedge against the exchange risk : A U.S. company expects to pay 1 million Euros in six months. How can they use forward contracts to hedge against the exchange risk?
Planning to make annual deposits into retirement account : You are planning to make annual deposits of $4,680 into a retirement account that pays 8 percent interest compounded monthly.



2/6/2018 2:01:12 AM

Word/Page Count: 2000 and Formatting & Referencing: Harvard. Format: Please submit the following in a folder: At least one previous draft in the draft submission folder to assess the similarity level using SafeAssign. The final submission of your essay should be formatted with default Microsoft Word margins, doublespaced, and printed in Times New Roman or Arial font size 12. This should be submitted in the final submission folder.


2/6/2018 2:01:05 AM

On completing this subject the students will; Distinguish the difference between personal and business ethics in organisations. Compare and contrast diverse approaches to ethical decision making. Evaluate the implications of the legal pressure for ethical behaviour in organisations. Recognise the key ethical issues related to workplace relations, decision making, product, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Apply and enhance problem solving skills in solving and managing ethical dilemmas within an organisation.


2/6/2018 2:00:58 AM

Outstanding work which exhibits sophisticated understanding and critical synthesis, analysis and evaluation of the subject matter. While the work utilizes opinions of others, judgements about the value of the subject matter are made and drawn together in an organized whole. Gaps in the subject matter might also be identified and the implications discussed.

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