Write a reflection based on the case study

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Reference no: EM132352744 , Length: word count:800

Professional Identity Assignment -

Assessment description: Using a modified version of the "What, So What, Now What" model of critical reflection (Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper, 2001), you are to write a reflection based on the case study below, using the questions provided as a guide with a word count of 800 words.

AHPRA identifies that Cultural Safety is a model of care of high importance in the delivery of health care. Registered Nurse and Cultural Safety theorist and developer Irihapeti Ramsden stated that to understand Cultural Safety one has to understand what is meant by culture. Ramsden defined culture as "the accumulated socially acquired result of shared geography, time, ideas and human experience. Culture may or may not involve kinship but meanings and understandings are collectively held by group members. Culture is dynamic and mobile and changes according to time, individuals and groups". (Ramsden 2002, p 111) It is crucial to note that the model of Cultural Safety does not just anchor itself to ethnicity and that each and every one of us belong to a multiplicity of cultures such as our age, gender, profession, religion, spirituality, sexuality, dis/ability and also our ethnicity.

To achieve culturally safe care, we as nurses and midwives need to undertake self-reflection of our own values, attitudes and beliefs and how they may impact upon our patients care. Self-awareness and self-reflection is vital to ensure that any stereotypical views we hold about any group do not affect the quality of care provided. Self-reflection is an important skill to develop throughout your nursing career, to improve your professional practice and to develop the necessary skills to enable you to provide culturally safe care. As you step into the new world of providing culturally safe healthcare, you need to recognise that self-reflection is a vital component in the provision of culturally safe care.

Consider the following Case Study in answering the questions below:

You are doing a clinical placement on a busy medical ward and you witness the following situation between a Registered Nurse on the ward and a patient who is being admitted:

Alan is being admitted today to the ward where you are on clinical placement. Alan has an existing spinal injury from a motor vehicle accident many years ago and uses a wheelchair to mobilise. He is being admitted to the ward as he has an infected wound on his right leg requiring NUR1202 Assessment 1 Semester 2, 2019 treatment. He is accompanied by his husband (same sex partner) Mark. The Registered Nurse assumes Mark is Alan's paid care giver and explains what is going to happen to Alan to Mark whilst ignoring Alan (the patient). The Registered Nurse makes the following comment "Hello there - who do we have here today? Thanks for bringing Alan up - he looks like he might need some antibiotics for that leg. How long has it been sore for - do you know? I will just get his chart out and I'll get you to answer some questions about Alan's medical history if that's OK?

Have you worked with him for long?"

Reflect on this situation:

  • Reflecting on the above scenario identify what the Registered Nurse assumed?
  • Why would the Registered Nurse have assumed this?
  • What are your own values, assumptions, beliefs, and or biases about same sex couples?
  • What are your own values, assumptions, beliefs and or biases about people with a disability?
  • Where did you learn these assumptions, beliefs, values and or biases?

Use the "What, So What, Now What" model of reflection to frame your thinking. The following questions are intended as prompts and are not to be answered individually. Do not use dot points, and write your response in paragraphs under the following headings:


  • What happened?
  • Were assumptions made in the case, what were they and who made them?
  • How might the Registered Nurse's actions have made Alan and Mark feel?

So what?

  • So what were your responses to this case?
  • How were they similar or different to those of the Registered Nurse?
  • Consider your assumptions, beliefs, values and biases.
  • So what did this case make you feel and why?
  • So what are the potential consequences of experiences such as these for patients?
  • In responding to these questions think about how this overall experience links to your academic, professional and/or personal development?

Now what?

  • Now what are you going to do as a result of this experience?
  • How will you apply what you have learned?
  • Provide 3 suggestions on what you will do differently to this Registered Nurse in your future practice?

Reference no: EM132352744

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8/5/2019 11:59:47 PM

Word-count: 800. This assessment is to be submitted electronically via the Assessment 1 Submission link on Study Desk. Use Times New Roman Font size 12, double line spacing. Use first person to write your assessment. Use the Marking Criteria for your assessment to guide you. Submit ONE document which includes the written reflection. Do not include the marking criteria as part of your submission. APA referencing is not required for this assessment item. You are welcome to attempt APA referencing and we will provide feedback but there are no marks allocated for referencing. If you do attempt referencing, use APA Referencing Style for ALL IDEAS AND CONCEPTS you have used. Limit the use of direct quotes, and if you do use direct quote this must be cited as such and be compliant with the requirements of APA style. Word counts include in-text referencing.

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