Reference no: EM131327260
Topic: NOW with Bill Moyers: A Question of Fairness
Reference Link:;_ylt=A2KIo9XlpRpTfn0A9hr7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcGVqamhsBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVjE1MgRncG9zAzE2?p=NOW+with+Bill+moyers&vid=3eb0c75cca9cf35295004f4182c19a30&l=14%3A26&
After watching this video, I want you to write a brief reflection - NO MORE THAN 2 PARAGRAPHS - addressing ONE (and ONLY ONE) of the following two issues:
Governor Riley made this comment: "In my New Testament it says there are three things we should do: Love God, love each other, and take care of the least among us." Does U.S. family policy (not the Alabama tax measure, but U.S. policy in general) do that - take care of the least among us? Why or why not?
John Giles, of the Christian Coalition of Alabama made this comment: "I don't know anybody that's gone lacking. I don't know of any unemployed person who has not gotten a check, I don't know of anybody that didn't get government services that were of a low-income family. Nobody has ever suffered in this state." How is it that this is his perspective given 20% of children in Alabama live in poverty?
When addressing one of these two issues, you need to include some course material (Guided PowerPoint mini-lecture, book, or class discussion) in some way - anything from the last 10 weeks is fine. I just want to see that you are making connections and seeing how the issue of family policy is intertwined with and affected by all of the DPD issues we've covered this term. Please be specific about the course material - like I've asked you to do in the online Discussion assignments.
Your goal is to create portfolio
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What is steves cost of retained earnings
: Steve's Specialties Inc. paid its dividend yesterday, which was $1.25. The dividend has been growing at a rate of 0.045 and is expected to continue indefinitely at that rate. Steve's common stock is currently trading at 21.00 per share. The firms bet..
Create the potential for legal liability for employers
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Write a refelection paper on-a question of fairness
: Governor Riley made this comment: "In my New Testament it says there are three things we should do: Love God, love each other, and take care of the least among us." Does U.S. family policy (not the Alabama tax measure, but U.S. policy in general) ..
Discuss one of the main themes of hesse''s novel
: Discuss one of the main themes of Hesse's novel. This means you will need to choose a theme from the book to analyze. How do you see the theme reflected in the novel? Use evidence from the text to support your ideas?
Analyze ethical consideration within not-for-profit entities
: Analyze resource and budgetary considerations within not-for-profit organizations for determining potential challenges to financial operations. Analyze ethical considerations within not-for-profit entities for their impact on public image.
Describe how this technology will influence world politics
: Describe how this technology will influence world politics. Include an analysis of economic issues such as production, supply, and trade.
Demonstrate the application of the tool into a lesson
: Provide links to the two (2) productivity / technology tools you chose which demonstrate the application of the tool into a lesson or training. Provide a brief demonstration or explanation of how these tools will be utilized by your organization