Reference no: EM132084568
To be able to write and implement the ArrayList Data Structure..
1. Explain the purpose of the program as detail as possible
2. Develop a solution for the problem and mention algorithms to be used
3. List data structures to be used in solution.
4. Give a description of how to use the program and expected input/output
5. Explain the purpose of each class you develop in the program.
1. For each method, give the pre and post conditions and invariant, if any
2. Program execution according to the requirements given 50%
3. Naming of program as required 5%
Description of Program
You are to write a program name that creates an ArrayList data structure that is similar to the ArrayList data Structure that exist in the java library. The class must be written to accept any type of Objects. The following must be implemented i.e. YOU must write the code (do not import them from the Java Library):
1.One default constructor that will create an ArrayList object with a default size of 10 ------ public ArrayList();
2.Another constructor that accepts a parameter of type int and sets the size to this parameter ---- public ArrayList(int n);
3.A method that allows you to place a value at the end of the ArrayList ---- public void add(Object x);
4.A method that allows you to place a value at a given location ---- public void add(int index, Object x);
5.A method that allows you to retrieve a value from a given location ---- public Object get(int index);
6.A method that allows you to return the number of elements that is currently in the the ArrayList ----public int size();
7.A method would test to see if the is empty ---- public boolean isEmpty();
8.A method that see if a particular object exist in the --- public boolean isIn(Object ob);
9.A method that will return the location of first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0 ----- public int find (Object n);
10.A method that will remove the first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0 ----- public void remove (Object n);
Now, write a driver program (the class with the public static void main(String[] args) method) to test the ArrayList data structure you just created. Fill the ArrayList with Card Objects (i.e. you are creating a Deck of Cards -- 52) and print these to the screen. Now, write an additional function that would take this ArrayList of Cards, and shuffle it.
Write a random shuffling routine (do not invoke the shuffling routine from the library) and now display the shuffled ArrayList (Deck) of Cards.
Also test all nineof the above methods. For those that are returning a value, print out the returned value to the screen and for those that are not returning a value, print a message that indicate if it successfully completed its task.
Remember --- The size function should be based upon the actual number of elements you have in the ArrayList at that point in time.
The code is for a deck of cards, please show results.