Write a python script which uses the python requests

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133248648

Task - You are given the task of implementing an IoT service by gathering real-world data from actual IoT sensors. This scenario will be explained further in your tutorial tasks.

You have recently been appointed to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

You have been asked to write a piece of software using Python to gather data from the Yanco (NSW) IoT sensor. The BOM makes all data available via a standardized web interface. In the case of the Yanco (NSW) sensor, this data can be found.

The data returned through this API represents the last three days of sensor data, collected at appropriate intervals by the BOM Fog environment.

Your job is to review how the BOM gathers and presents this data.

You will be most interested in understanding the data gathered from individual stations. Once you have done this you are to perform the following tasks.

Part A - Install a Linux environment on your workstation, using a suitable hypervisor e.g. VirtualBox. Be sure to install the Apache Web Server and the Python programming language. If you prefer you can build this server on any Cloud computing environment such as AWS.

Part B - Write a Python Script which uses the Python Requests and JSON module to download the JSON object outlined before. The program MUST process the 3 days of data from this stream and report:

-the maximum, minimum and average windspeed

-the maximum, minimum and average temperature

Part C - Modify your Python Program so that it produces a simple web page as its output. Once that is done, place the script in the CGI-BIN directory so that when it is accessed, it provides the user with a web page containing the above information.

Reference no: EM133248648

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