Reference no: EM132083533
Note: This program is to do with Python language
1.Guess the number:
Randomly find a number between 0 and 500.
Ask the user: can you guess our number (Between 0 - 500)?
If their number is less than your number, you should mention to the user
"Not enough, try again", and if it is greater than your number you should mention, "Too much, try again".
They have only 5 times to enter the right value. After five time, if they still haven't guessed the number, show them the right number.
But of course if at any time they could guess the number than tell them "You Got, the number was:....".
You should also allow the user to play again. No matter if they were wrong or right ask them "Do you want to replay (1 or 0)?" If they say 1 you should repeat everything again;
Meaning you should find the new random number and repeat everything for 5 times.
HINT: Everything happens in this big Logical/Conditional loop. And ofcourse your should use condiditional statements a lot within the loop. DONOT use a nested loop.
DONOT use a flag [boolean] for this question, you counter if the user answers 1 to re-play, should be reset so it can automatically run for 5 times again.
2. Using Nested Counter-Controlled Loops draw the following shape:
a. The count of stars or hashtags doesn't matter, the shape does matter
b. You may use do two separate loops inside another loop.
c. You must use FOR Loops only