Write a proposal paper on amazon

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Reference no: EM13969873

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Write a Proposal paper on Amazon

The brand of Amazon was born out of the insight that there can be evolution of internet as a source for targeting the customers and selling key products (Light, 2003). The race to the success of internet had been funded as a result of fanatical excitement enhancing the needs and opportunities for chasing the customers, however, the key opportunity lies in the creation of value. While a number of other internet based companies are attracting the customers by the lure of free giveaways and deep discounts, the retention of customers becomes extremely difficult for the improvement of margins (Galliers et al, 2014). This can be considered as a classic bad thinking of marketing, rather than the evolution itself.

Reference no: EM13969873

Questions Cloud

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Write a proposal paper on amazon : Write a Proposal paper on Amazon - The brand of Amazon was born out of the insight that there can be evolution of internet as a source for targeting the customers and selling key products.
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