Write a prolog program which describes a directed graph

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Reference no: EM131306409

Question 1:

Briefly explain these main programming paradigm (Logic, Functional, Object Oriented, Procedural, Imperative and Aspect-oriented), and for each of these paradigms name at least one language that can be used for programming in that paradigm.

Note: The purpose of this question is to motivate you to conduct a short research based on the available resources on the Internet or in our university library. For answering this question you should write one short paragraph for explaining each programming paradigm. For writing those short paragraphs, you can study or use all available online resources on the Internet or all textbooks from your library, etc. Please do not copy and paste paragraphs/sentences; try to write paragraphs based on your understanding. Also, you should mention (cite) all the recourses/references that you have used in order to answer this question.

Question 2:

Which of the following pairs of terms can be unified (matched) together? Where relevant, give the variable instantiations that lead to successful unification. (note = shows unification)

healtyFood(X) = healtyFood(bread) healtyFood(bread,X) = healtyFood(Y,salad) healtyFood(bread,X,milk) = healtyFood(Y,salad,X) healtyFood(X) = Y meal(healtyFood(bread),drink(milk)) = meal(X,Y)
meal(healtyFood(bread),drink(milk)) = meal(X, drink(Water)) meal(healtyFood(bread), Y) = meal(X, drink(water)) breakfast(healtyFood(bread),egg,milk)= breakfast(healtyFood(Y),Y, Z)

Question 3:

The Purpose of this question is to write a Prolog Program which describes a directed graph (G), with the following structure (shown below) and allows us to ask some questions about this graph.

A) write all possible node and edge facts that describes the structure of this graph G such as below:

node( a ). % "a" is a node of this graph.


edge( a, b ). % There is an edge (directed) from node "a" to "b".

B) complete the definition all these rules.

node(X) :- % X is a node in graph G
edge( X, Y) :- % There is an directed edge from X to Y. parent( X, Y) :- % There is a directed edge from X to Y. child(X, Y) :- % Y is parent of X.
path( X, Y) :- % find a directed path from node X to node Y. length_of_path( X, Y):- % Length of a path (directed) from X to Y. connected( X, Y):- % There is a directed path from X to Y, or from Y to X undirected_edge( X, Y) :- /* There is an edge (ignoring the directions) from X to Y or from Y to X */
undirected_path( X, Y) :- /* find a path (ignoring the directions) from node X to node Y. */

C) Create a knowledge base (KB) based on all the facts and rules you have written in parts (A), and (B), and save it in a prolog program file called "my_grapghG.pl", and show a printout of your file here.

D) Run this Prolog program, and write 4 queries about each of those rules that you have created in part B in order to test those rules, and show your queries and their results, and test the correctness of your results. (Note: you should write and test two ground quires (one with positive and one with negative answer) and two non-ground quires for each of the rules that you have created in Part B.)

E) add the following rule to your program, and test it and describe its function?

tpath(Node1,Node2):-edge(Node1, SomeNode), edge(SomeNode,Node2).

Question 4:

Assume we have the following knowledge base in a Prolog program:

man(jack). man(peter). woman(rebeca). woman(julia). woman(maria). hasWand(rebeca). hasWand(maria). hasWand(jack). quidditchPlayer(jack).
quidditchPlayer(rebeca). quidditchPlayer(maria).

quidditchPlayer(peter). playsAirGuitar(julia). playsAirGuitar(adam). playsAirGuitar(rebeca). playsAirGuitar(mary). playsAirGuitar(jack). wizard (jack).
hasBroom(X) :- quidditchPlayer(X).
warlock(X) :- man(X), hasBroom(X), hasWand(X).
witch(X) :- woman(X), hasBroom(X), hasWand(X).
wizard(X):- warlock(X) ; witch(X). % note: semicolon was used here

A) Determine type of each of the following queries (ground/non- ground), and explain what will Prolog respond for each of these queries (write all the steps of unifications and resolutions for each query)?

 -playsAirGuitar(Y), witch(Y).

B) Implement your facts & rules as a Prolog program and test all quires in part B.

Question 5:

Write the following rules for lists in a Prolog program and try corresponding queries for each case.

A) my_length(List, Nr). % find the length of a given list.

?- my_length([a,b,[c,d], e, [f, g]],R).
?- my_length( [ [ ], [ ] ], R).
?- my_length( [ [ [ ] ] ], R).
?- my_length([a,b,[c,d],e],4).

B) my_append(L1,L2,New_list). % append two given lists L1, L2, and return a new list.

?- myappend([a,b],[c],R).
?- myappend( _ ,[e,s],[f,o,x,e,s]).
?- myappend(X,[e,s],[f,o,x,e,s]).
?- myappend(X,Y,[a,b,c]).

C) mymember(X, L). % test if X is a member of list L.

?- mymember( a, [ [ ], a, b, c, f]).
?- mymember( X, [ [ ], a, b, c, f]).
?- mymember( [m k], [ [m k], a, b, c, f]).
?- mymember( X, [ [ ], [ [ ] ] , a, b, c, f]).

Reference no: EM131306409

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