Write a project report on the given topic future of shopping

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Reference no: EM131147822

Write a project report on the given topic " FUTURE OF SHOPPING"

The trends of shopping have grown through serious changes since the last few decades. The physical shopping has more or less diminished as the online brought many options to choose from. This assignment focuses on the future of shopping based on the case study of Darrell Rigby.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction 
  • Task 1 :Physical shopping has proved disadvantages to the working gender as well as the teenage .
  • Task 2 :Digital shopping definitely has an upper hand over the physical shopping.
  • Task 3 :The emerging concept of conventional entrepreneurs settling on digital technologies and omnichannel. 
  • Conclusion 
  • Reference List 

Academic requirements:

• Your work must be submitted as 1500 words.

• Report declaration must be completed.

• Your work should be submitted in the formats outlined for each task in the assignment.

• The entire assignment brief and completed front sheet must accompany your work.

 All work must be referenced using the Harvard /APA method.

• Provide a reference list.

Reference no: EM131147822

Questions Cloud

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Write a project report on the given topic future of shopping : The trends of shopping have grown through serious changes since the last few decades. The physical shopping has more or less diminished as the online brought many options to choose from. This assignment focuses on the future of shopping based on the ..
What is the wall temperature at burnout : The throughflow of metal is increased until burnout occurs. At that point the metal temperature is 250?C and h inside the tube is 9600 W/m2K. What is the wall temperature at burnout?
Describe the three expert viewpoints on globalization : Describe the three "expert" viewpoints on globalization (the hyperglobalist, skeptic, and transformationalist viewpoints). In your opinion, which viewpoint would be most beneficial for global development and why?
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Compute the yield to maturity on the old issue : Compute the yield to maturity on the old issue and use this as the yield for the new issue.- Make the appropriate tax adjustment to determine the aftertax cost of debt.


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