Write a project report on export marketing manager

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131147844

Write a project report on the given topic "Preparation for work"

The chosen job based on the academic major is Export Marketing Manager.

Louis Vuitton also known as LV is a French Fashion House founded in the year 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The company operation in over 50 countries with more than 460 stores fulfilling the needs and desires of the customers worldwide.

Table of Content

  • Research on the company
  • Roles of the export marketing manager
  • Responsibilities of Export marketing manager
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Interview
  • Reference list

Academic requirements:

• Your work must be submitted as 1700 words.

• Report declaration must be completed.

• Your work should be submitted in the formats outlined for each criteria in the assignment.

• The entire assignment brief and completed front sheet must accompany your work.

• All work must be referenced using the Harvard /APA method.

• Provide a reference list.

Reference no: EM131147844

Questions Cloud

Is there history of chronic illness in your family : Do you consider yourself handicapped in any way? Is there a history of chronic illness in your family? Are you planning to start a family soon? How does your military experience relate to this job? We are looking for seasoned professionals; you just ..
Determine the temperature of the thermistor : Determine the temperature of the thermistor - If enough refrigerant has leaked that the thermistor sits in vapor, find the thermistor's temperature. Neglect thermal radiation.
What is the proper length of the pipe : Two reservoirs, which differ in surface elevation by 40 m, are connected by a new commercial steel pipe of diameter 8 cm. If the desired flow rate is 200 N/s of water at 20°C, what is the proper length of the pipe?
Explain the reasons why a manufacturer would pursue : Explain the reasons why a manufacturer would pursue or not pursue maximum or near maximum coverage for convenience goods. Explain the reasons why a manufacturer would pursue or not pursue maximum or near maximum coverage for shopping goods or ..
Write a project report on export marketing manager : Louis Vuitton also known as LV is a French Fashion House founded in the year 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The company operation in over 50 countries with more than 460 stores fulfilling the needs and desires of the customers worldwide.The chosen job based ..
Determine the average condensation heat transfer : Suppose that the outside of the tube has a uniform temperature of 290 K. Determine the average condensation heat transfer coefficient of the tube.
Analyze budgeting responsibilities of group practice manager : Analyze the fundamental financial and budgeting responsibilities of a group practice manager. Suggest the most important competency that a practice manager must demonstrate in order to effectively manage the practice's financial accounts.
Calculate the net present value and profitability index : BAK Corp. is considering purchasing one of two new diagnostic machines. -Calculate the net present value and profitability index of each machine. - Assume a 9% discount rate.
What is the heat transfer to the plate : Explain why the gas's pressure will affect the heat transfer to the coolant - What is the heat transfer to the plate if the plate


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