Write a program with an array of seven payroll objects

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132095860


Class design:

Design a PayRoll class that has data members for an employee's first and last name, hourly pay rate, number of hours worked. The default constructor will set the first and last name to empty string, and hours worked and pay rate to zero.

The class must have mutator functions to set each of the data members of the class and accessors to access them. The class should also have the following member functions:

displayPayroll function that displays all data members of the a PayRoll instance on one line separated by blanks

readPayRoll function that reads data members of a PayRoll instance from an input stream associated with a text file (assume all data members are on one line separated by commas)

getGross function that will return a double calculated by multiplying the hours worked by the pay rate.

Driver program:

Write a program with an array of seven PayRoll objects. The program should read the name (first and last), pay rate and the number of hours for each employee and display each employee information followed by the employee's gross pay, all on one line separated by blanks. Set the precision for printing the doubles to two decimal places.

Input Validation:

Do not accept values greater than 60 for the number of hours worked, simply have the set function set number of hours worked to 60, the maximum allowed.

Do not accept negative values for pay rate and hours worked (set them to 0)

Be sure to include an employee claiming to work more than 60 hours per week, negative pay rate, and negative hours worked.

Reference no: EM132095860

Questions Cloud

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Write a program with an array of seven payroll objects : Design a PayRoll class that has data members for an employee's first and last name, hourly pay rate, number of hours worked.
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