Write a program which requests that requests a product name

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132373948

Python Assignment -

Stages of Assignment:

Stage 1: Data Entry

Write a program which requests that requests a product name and a stock number. Store that data in a List or a Dictionary. After the user has entered data, request that the user enters Y or N to continue. If they enter N, print the list of products and stock numbers to the screen. If they enter Y, repeat the first step.

Stage 2: Validation and Totals

Building on stage 1, you now need to ensure that the program checks for valid entries in each case, and converts the text to the appropriate format.

You need to:

  • Ensure that a stock number and product name were entered, If any of these were not entered, do not record that item and go straight to asking if they wish to continue.
  • Ensure that the user enters either "Y", "y", "N" or "n" when asked if they wish to continue. Continue to ask until they enter a valid result.
  • Ensure that the stock number is a number.
  • Output the total number of products held in stock.

Stage 3: Product List and Menu

This involves three separate jobs:

  • Create a menu with multiple options
  • Add products separately and allow the user to select the product.
  • Allow multiple stock numbers to be entered for each product and record the total.

Stage 4: Importing, Exporting and Reporting

In the final stage we introduce the ability to load product lists, export stock levels, and compare stock levels with expected stock levels to generate a report. You will be provided with a sample file for stock and a sample file to compare against.

This will require additional research into Python

Now that things are getting more complex, you are expected to use functions to manage these tasks in your program.

Attachment:- Python Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132373948

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