Write a program which has a base process which communicates

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Reference no: EM13347844

Write a program which has a "base process" which communicates with child processes acting as "bombers" that it creates.

· Handling processes by use of fork(), getpid()and wait()

· Handling signals by use of signal(),alarm()and kill()

· Opening and accessing a console window buffer


Before executing the program, the user should open four console (terminal) windows. The first terminal window will represent the base, and the other three will represent the three bombers.

The first action of the program's main loop is to discover how many terminals are open by trying to open all possible terminal number buffers (e.g. /dev/pts/1,/dev/pts/1 etc...) as a read only file. Those that are open should be stored so that the first four found can be written to.

The main function of the air base is use fork() to spawn three child bomber processes which are to execute the same exact code, and a fourth child (without an associated terminal window) to receive input and while monitoring and signaling the bombers.

Each bomber is to be initialized to contain 50 gallons of fuel, six bombs, and to be a distance of zero miles from the base. An alarm() timer is to be installed and used which:

· Decrements the fuel by two gallons each second.

· Increments the distance from base by one mile every two seconds if going toward target, and decrements the distance from base by one mile every two seconds if returning to base.

· Reports the fuel amount, ordinance left, and distance from base every three seconds in the appropriate terminal. e.g.

Bomber id to base, g gallons left, b bombs left, m miles from base.

If a bomber ever runs out of fuel it should be terminated by exiting with an unsuccessful code. If a bomber drops all of its payload, it should begin returning to base. If it makes it back to base without running out of fuel, it should terminate with a successfully code.

Reference no: EM13347844

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