Write a program which assumes a number of virtual pages

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131324283

Program 1


This program assignment is provided to let the students know how to handle threads and enhance system availability on a multiprocessor or multicore environment. A single process is supposed to create multiple threads with runner functions which include individual threads roles. Threads can be created by using Pthreads API, Win32 API, or Java API. on Unix/Linux or Windows platform environment.

Environment: Unix/Linux environment (VM Linux or Triton Server), Windows platform

Language: C, Java


i. You have wide range of choices for this assignment. First, design your program to explain the basic concept of the process management in Unix Kernel. This main idea will be evolved to show your understanding on inter-process communication, file processing, etc.

ii. Refer to the following thread API:

- pthread_create(), pthread_join(), ...

• - https://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialPosixThreads.html

• - CreateThread(), CloseHandle(), ResumeThread(), ...

• - https://www.relisoft.com/win32/active.html

• - https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5542/Simple-Multithreaded-Application-in-pure-C-Win32-a

• - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684847(v=vs.85).aspx

• - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682516(v=vs.85).aspx

- Thread handling with Java API
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/procthread.html
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Thread.html
- https://www.wideskills.com/java-tutorial/java-threads-tutorial

iii. The program should create at least two different threads and assign corresponding runner functions with the threads.

iv. The output should contain the screen capture of the execution procedure of the program.

v. Runner function may contain any logic you've designed, for example login procedure by opening session, collection of bank account information, catalog information display, audio/image data handling, etc.

vi. Result should be organized as a document which explains the overview of your program, code, execution results, and the conclusion including justification of your program, lessons you've learned, comments, etc.


i. Before you include Pthread API in your c source code,

- #include<pthread.h>

ii. To compile the code written in Pthread API,

- gcc -lpthread -o threadtestthreadtest.c

Program 2

Please write a simulation program which assumes a number of virtual pages of a process(es) and frames of physical memory.

Your program replaces pages according page faults caused by invalid access to pages.

You have to generate random number of page accesses from the simulator.

You need to show the snapshot of page tables/tlbs and physical memory allocated to each process.

Graphical User Interface may be considered as for maximum credits.

Program source file, execution snapshot with program execution sequence and optional document should be submitted with a single zip file.

[Original Direction for Program Assignment ]

Virtual Memory Handling (Demand Paging and Page Replacement)

Reference no: EM131324283

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