Write a program to that displays a table

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13808603

You will design a program to perform the following task:

Write a program that would allow a user to enter student names and Final grades (e.g. A,B,C,D,F) from their courses. You do not know how many students need to be entered. You also do not know how many courses each of the students completed. Design your program to calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA) for each student based on each of their final grades. The program should output the Student name along with the GPA. There are 5 components of your submission including: Program Description- A detailed, clear description of the program you are building. Analysis- Demonstrates your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem. Be sure to include the required input and output and how you will obtain the required output from the given input? Also, include your variable names and definitions. Be sure to describe the necessary formulas and sample calculations that might be needed. Talk about how your design will allow any number of students and final grades to be possible inputs. Test plan - Prepare at least 1 set of input data (Test data) along with their expected output for testing your program. This test case should include at least 10 students. Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as follows (note: feel free to adapt to your design) Flowchart - Provide a flowchart for your design. You can use Word, Powerpoint, Visio or any software you have available that will allow to draw shapes and connectors. Pseudocode- Provide pseudocode of your overall design that fulfills the requirements of the project All of these components should be placed in word document for submission. Additional details about the program you need to write: GPA is calculated by summing the point equivalents for final grades and taking the average. A =4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F = 0. So, if someone earned 2 A's and 1 B, their GPA would be (4 + 4 + 3)/3 = 3.67 Think about using a simple process to stop entering students and course grades. For example, if StudentName < 0.

Write a program to that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit and Kelvin equivalents. You should already have the conversion formulas from an earlier assignment. You must use a loop to display the table. Also, calculate and display the total of values for degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. The totals must be displayed outside of the loop.

Reference no: EM13808603

Questions Cloud

Examine the workings of the key passage : Examine the workings of the key passage. If you like you can connect your discussion of features of your selected passage to relevant characteristics of the book as a whole.
Discuss capital budgeting and time value of money : Discuss capital budgeting and time value of money (TVM). Explain why time value of money is important to capital budgeting.
The difference between the mean, mode and median : A correlation has been calculated as r = -0.8, what does this mean? How does it compare to a correlation of r = 0.8?
What is the transformation process : 1. What is the transformation process? 2. Can the transformation process be applied to both goods and services?
Write a program to that displays a table : Write a program to that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit and Kelvin equivalents
Different types of inventories : 1. What are the different types of inventories maintained by a typical business entity? 2. What is the significance of inventory regarding customer service levels?
Examine the list of characteristics of qualitative research : Examine the list of characteristics of qualitative research provided by Creswell (2014, 185-186), which three characteristics will be most important in your research?
Number of quality-management philosophies : A number of quality-management philosophies hold that prevention costs are the most critical quality-related costs. What is the logic behind this premise?
Operational components of planning : Where have you seen the operational components of planning, sourcing, making, and delivering applied inappropriately? How might the operations manager have improved the situation?


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