Reference no: EM132379559
Assignment: Write a program to score the paper-rock-scissor game. Each of two users types in either P,R, or S. The program then announces the winner as well as the basis for determining the winner: Paper covers rock, Rock breaks scissors, scissors cut paper, or Nobody wins. Be sure to allow the users to use lowercase as well as uppercase letters. Your program should include a loop that lets the user play again until the user says she or he is done
For this program, do not use switch statement.
Before submitting check the following:
- 5 lines of comments (don't forget partner's name)
- description completely describe the program
- description to user
- meaningful variable names (should start with lowercase letter)
- get character type input from user
- give error for incorrect input
- include basis for determining the winner
- code lineup
- indentation
- comments within the program (coding part)
- submitting cpp file only
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Write a program to score the paper-rock-scissor game
: Write a program to score the paper-rock-scissor game. Each of two users types in either P,R, or S. The program then announces the winner as well as the basis.
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