Write a program to produce a detail report of student grades

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131072608

Visual Basic Program

Purpose: To provide Additional experience in everything covered thus far in the VB lectures, handouts and assignments and to prepare the student for the VB Hands On Test, Test # 5. But especially the creation of data variables of the appropriate data type (DIM), assignment statements, using "intrinsic functions" and performing arithmetic operations

The student will get additional experience using the If Block Conditional Structure to make decisions.

This structure must be used in this program and the next two programs which includes the Visual Basic Hands On Test.

Problem: You will write a program to produce a Detail Report of Student grades with a summary total. The user will type in a set of student records with two fields in each record. The student name and the test score. The program must print the Report with the report heading label and column labels positioned appropriately above the box with the detail lines and the summary class average. The program must print each student record detail line, and calculate the average score. To calculate average, you, the programmer will use a counter to count the number of tests. You must also accumulate the total of all the test scores then divide that total by the number of test scores (counter), for all records and print the class average for the tests at the end of the report. Counters and accumulator statements are covered in detail in the handout for the mileage program.

Attachment:- Program_SPECIFICATIONS.pdf

Reference no: EM131072608

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