Reference no: EM131295981
Deadlock/Scheduling/Virtual Memory - Operating Systems
Write a program to model deadlock detection. The program will accept a list of processes, resources, requests, and releases in the following format:
A req R
A req S
A rel R
A rel S
B req S
B req R
B rel S
B rel R
The program will then produce possible orderings of the resource requests/releases. Orderings within a process cannot be rearranged (so A must always request R before it can request S in the example above), however orderings across processes can be rearranged (B can request S and R before A requests R). Each ordering will be output with a header, the ordering, and an indication if the order causes a deadlock or not.
For example:
ORDER 1: A req R, A req S, A rel R, A rel S, B req S, B req R, B rel S, B rel R ORDER 2: A req R, A req S, A rel R, B req S, A rel S, B req R, B rel S, B rel R
ORDER x: A req R, B req S, A req S, B req R DEADLOCK!
Try your program with the following input files:
--------------File 1------------
A req R A req S A rel R A rel S B req S B req R B rel S B rel R
--------------File 2------------
A req R A req S A rel R A rel S B req S B req T B rel S B rel T C req T C req R C rel T C rel R
Design, implement, and gather results for a set of experiments to determine:
- the OS quantum
- the OS context switch overhead
Hints (you can ignore these if you have your own idea):
- You may need more than one thread/process for this
- You can look up the number of context switches that process has performed
- For the quantum measurement, you want your thread/processes to be doing work, you can also check your result against: sched_rr_get_interval. This method may work for you... I've had some success with it... however I've also had students with problems with this method... it simply returns a quantum of 0. Try it.
- For the context switch overhead measurement, you want your thread/process to not be doing work
Place your results in a README.TXT file.
Write a program that simulates a paging system using the following reference string: 0 2 1 3 5 4 6 3 7 4 7 3 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 7 2 3 4 1
Assume that the computer can hold only FOUR page frames at any one time. Your program should output the number of page faults when simulating the following page replacement algorithms:
- Optimal (do not hard code this, you must determine this from the reference string in your program)
Based on the results from the simulation. Which algorithm is the best? Which algorithm is the worst? Why?
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