Write a program to manipulate strings using pointers

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13763039

Write a program to manipulate strings using pointers. The program will start out by displaying a menu to ask user what to do as shown below:

Simple String Manipulation Program

Load string

Show string

Character count

Trim string

Convert to upper case


Based on user selection the original string will be manipulated (modified if applicable) and the program will show the resulted string after manipulation (or character count in case option 3 is chosen). This menu will then be re-displayed for another user selection until user selects option 6 to quit.

Note: when display a string you must use this format: [string content] so that if there is any leading white-space characters in the string we can recognize them. Example: if input string is

" Welcome to C++ programming world!!!"

then output per different options will be:

Option 2: [ Welcome to C++ programming world!!!]

Option 3: Total character count: 40

Option 4: [Welcome to C++ programming world!!!]


Class Design

You need at least two classes.

class SmartString


Data members: a pointer to a char , namely str



Default constructor: initialize the pointer str to NULL

Non-default constructor: take a pointer to a character as its only parameter and dynamically allocate memory for str and copy the character array to str. Do not use strlen or strcpy. Use a loop to get the length and to copy instead.

Destructor: if str is not NULL delete the string str

Member functions:

LoadString: ask user to enter a string (may include white space characters). Store it in a character array of maximum 1024 characters (use cin.getline). Dynamically allocate memory for str based on input string's length then copy input string to str.

Note: 1> Must use a loop to get the string's length and copying. strlen and strcpy are not allowed

2> You must check if str is not NULL. If true you must de-allocate it. Otherwise it will be a memory leak.

3> If you select Load string option then select Load string option again the program won't wait for you to enter an input string. of the class.

ShowString: display the string in format []

Size: return the number of characters in str. If str is NULL return 0.

Trim: remove all leading white-space characters in the original string str

ToUpper: Converting all letters in the str string to upper case letters

GetString: return str. This is dangerous and should not be done. It simply illustrates how to return a pointer from a function.

Important note: since SmartString class contains a pointer member we should provide a copy

constructor and overload the assignment operator. However you're not required to do it now.

We will discuss about this later on when learning how to overload C++ operators.

class SmartStringApp


Data member: a pointer to a SmartString object, namely ss



Default constructor: initialize ss to NULL

Non-default constructor: take a pointer to character as its only parameter. The constructor will dynamically create the SmartString object ss using SmartString class's non-default constructor.

Destructor: if ss is not NULL then de-allocate ss.

Pointer knowledge: what memory/object may be deallocated when ss is deleted?

Member functions:

Init: invoke function LoadString from SmartString object ss to load a string from user input

Start: display the menu shown above and execute SmartString's member functions based on user input

Implementation Requirements

Must use pointers notation and while loop when processing the string. No array notation is allowed except for array declarations if needed. No index is needed when processing an array of characters. Must increment pointer and check for '\0' as the end of the array. If you're not sure of this requirement show me your code before submitting your lab to avoid point deduction.

No string C/C++ library is allowed (except for isspace and toupper)

Must use the this pointer in at least 4 different places

Must use member initialization syntax in constructors

Main program will simply:

declare a pointer to SmartStringApp and dynamically create a SmartStringApp's default object

Invoke Init to get initial string

Invoke Start function for the newly created SmartStringApp object

free memory for the SmartStringApp object

Reference no: EM13763039

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