Write a program to input a purchase amount

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13809935

Q1: A retail store is having a customer appreciation sale. Depending on the total dollars purchased, the customer could receive a discount on his or her total purchases. You are to develop pseudocode that will obtain the total dollars purchased from the user, determine the discount percentage, and display the total amount due. When the purchases are more than $100, the discount is 10%. When the purchases are $100 or less, the discount is 5%.

Q2: A furniture store is having a customer appreciation sale. Depending on the total dollars purchased, customer could receive a discount on his or her total purchases. You are to develop pseudocode that will obtain the total dollars purchased from the user comment determined discount percentage and display the total amount due. When the purchases are more than $2000 the discount is 12%. When the purchases are $2000 or less the discount is 7%.

Part 2: Create a function called

CalcDiscount that will calculate in return to discount amount right to functioning call it in the code.

Q3: Write a program to input a purchase amount and calculate the sales tax and total do. The SalesTax depends on the county identifying code. County's with a number less than eight have a 5% sales tax. The 8-20 Kos have a sales tax of 6%. Codes above 20 have a sales tax of 7%. The purchase amount in county code entered by the user. Use a loop to validate that the county code is between five and 30. Display the amount of the sales tax and the total.

Q4: Write a Visual Basic loop that displays the even numbers from 20 to 60.

Q5: You have been asked by the payroll department to create a program that will calculate the weekly pay for the companies 25 employees. The employee names and pay will be stored in arrays. The program will prompt the user to provide each employee's full name, hourly pay rate, and hours worked. The program will then ask whether the employee is single or married. An employee is married, the tax rate is 20%; if you're she is single, the tax rate is 25%. Also, if the employee work more than 40 hours in a week, the number of hours greater than 40 is paid a rate 1.5 times the pay rate. After all data are input and calculated, the program will display a payroll report with a list of all the employee names in weekly pay. In addition, the program will display the total payroll for the week, and the average weekly pay.

Write a program using Visual Basic, prompt to user for the appropriate input, and display the output as described above. You may assume all data are valid. Provide a program introduction message until the user how to use the program.

Reference no: EM13809935

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