Write a program to implement the functions on linked lists

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13974464

1. Write a program to implement the following functions on linked lists. Assume that node structure of a singly linked list is as follows.

struct node
int info;
struct node *next;
typedef struct node node;

and node structure of a doubly linked list is as follows

struct cnode
int info;
struct cnode *next; struct cnode *previous;
typedef struct cnode cnode;

Implement the below functions whose prototypes are given below

node *CopytoSinglyLinked(cnode *head) node *Previous(node *head, node *current) void PrintReverse(node *head)
node *RemoveDuplicates(node *head)

• CopytoSinglyLinked function makes a singly linked copy of a doubly linked list that is provided as a parameter and returns a pointer to the singly linked list.

• Previous function returns the previous node of current in a singly linked list pointed by head. If current is the first node Previous returns null.

• PrintReverse function prints a elements of a singly linked list in reverse order. This should be implemented as an iterative function. Use Previous function in your imple- mentation.

• RemoveDuplicates function removes duplicate elements in a singly linked list that is provided as a parameter. The contents of the list need not be sorted. You should remove duplicates in an unsorted list without changing the order of elements in the list.

Reference no: EM13974464

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