Write a program to find the largest of five numbers

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13780121

1. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim num As Double = 0

Dim max As Double = -1

Dim prompt As String = " Enter a nonnegative number. " & Enter -1 to terminate entering numbers."

Num = CDbl(Input Box(prompt))

Do While num >= 0

If num > max Then

Max = num

End If

Num = CDbl(InputBox(prompt))


If max <> -1 Then

MessageBox.Show("Maximum number: " & max)


MessageBox.Show("No numbers were entered.")

End If

Assu;me that the responses are 4, 7, 3, and -1)

2. Replace each phrase containing "Until" with an equivalent phrase containing "While", and vice versa. For instance, the phrase (Until sum = 100) would be replaced by (While sum <> 100).

While (ans = "Y") And (n < 7)

3. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim word As String = "courage"

Dim letter As String = ""

Dim numVowels As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To word.length - 1

Letter = word.Substring(I, 1)

If IsVowel (letter) Then

numVowels += 1

End If


txtBox.Text = CStr(numVowels)

End Sub

Function IsVowel(ByVal letter As String) As Boolean

Letter = letter.ToUpper

If (letter = "A" Or (letter = "E") Or (letter = "I") Or (letter = "O") Or (letter = "U") Then

Return True


Return False

End If

End Function

4. Rewrite the program using a For...Next loop.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim num as Integer = 1

Do While num <= 9


num += 2


End Sub

5. Identify the errors.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

‘Display all numbers from 0 through 20 except for 13

For i As Integer = 20 to 0

If i = 13 Then

i = 12

End If


End Sub

(Assume that the five lines of the file DATA.TXT contain the following entries: 3, 2, 4, 7, 2.)

6. Determine the contents of the text box after the code is executed.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim total As Integer = 0

For n As Integer = 0 To lstBox.Items.Count - 1

If CStr(lstBox.Items(n)).Length = 6 Then

Total += 1

End If


txtOutput.Text = CStr(total)

End Sub

7. Write a program to find the largest of five numbers obtained from the user with an input dialog box.

Reference no: EM13780121

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