Reference no: EM132411565
Assignment -
Task 1: Write a program to display a row of 5 houses (use a for loop and an array of objects). (You will need a template for the house - call it house.js)
Task 2: Have a red car move from the right to the left in front of the houses. (Use a car template. Call it car.js).
Task 3: Have a blue car move from left to right in front of the houses. (Use the car template again).
Task 4: Put in a green car also (use template).
Task 5: Put in a fire engine also - moving in front of the houses. (Use template call it truck.js).

The above implemented correctly will get you close to a pass mark for this assignment.
Task 6: You will be given a video to put into the assets folder.
Put the video in as a background.
Put in a function that plays the video when the mouse is pressed.
Task 7: Show creativity.
Note: Marks will be given for additional work and creativity.
Some suggestions:
- Customise the house (Alter house.js - put in windows, doors, chimney etc). You will need to map to x,y co-ordinates.
- Customise cars by creating new car templates.
- Create an ambulance template and use it.