Write a program to copy inta to intb in reverse order

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13863163

Part I

Given a 1D array of int "intA" initialized to 10 values : 100, 200, ... 1000, a second un initialized array intB:

1. Write a program to copy intA to intB in reverse order

2. Must use looping techniques

3. Must print both arrays


Given a 2D array of chars chA initialized to

          A    B    C    D

          E    F    G    H

          I    J    K    L

          M    N    O    P

          Q    R    S    T

1. Write a code block to print the content of chA as it is shown above.

2. Write a code block to print the transpose of chA.

Transpose example:

If m = 1 2 3 → mT = 1 4
         4 5 6            2 5
                            3 6

3. Write a code block to compute the individual summation per each column, per each row and the overall summation of chA.

4. Must use looping techniques

Part II


Write a program to do the following:

1) Declare three uninitialized array of ints, intA1, intA2, intA3, all of length of 16.

2) A function that prints an int array in one line.

3) A function that randomly generates an int array. (hint: check random32 in Irvinelib help)

4) A function that copies an int array from another.

5) A function that reverses an int array.

6) A function computes the summation of an int array.

7) A function that computes an element-wise addition of two int arrays.

8) A function that computes an element-wise subtraction of two int arrays.

9) A function that computes element-wise abs of an int array.

10) Test each function from main, print appropriate array after each test.

Reference no: EM13863163

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