Write a program to analyze the test scores

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132356509


An instructor teaches two classes this semester. Recently he gave the same test to both classes. Write a program to analyze the test scores.

(a) Enter the scores of students in class 1. Every time after a score is entered, ask whether the user wants to enter another score. Store the scores in a list.

(b) Enter the scores of students in class 2. Every time after a score is entered, ask whether the user wants to enter another score. Store the scores in a list.

(c) Display the number of scores in class 1 and all the scores in class 1.

(d) Display the number of scores in class 2 and all the scores in class 2.

(e) Combine the two score lists. Display the combined list.

(f) Display the highest score in the combined list.

(g) Display the lowest score in the combined list.

(h) Sort the scores in the combined list in ascending order (i.e. from smallest to largest). Display the sorted list.

(i) Sort the scores in the combined list in descending order (i.e. from largest to smallest). Display the sorted list.

The following is an example.

Enter test scores of class 1.

Enter a score: 56

Add another score? [y/n] y

Enter a score: 78

Add another score? [y/n] y

Enter a score: 89

Add another score? [y/n] n

Enter test scores of class 2.

Enter a score: 99

Add another score? [y/n] y

Enter a score: 78

Add another score? [y/n] n

There are 3 students in class 1.

Scores in class 0001:

[56.0, 78.0, 89.0]

There are 2 students in class 2.

Scores in class 0002:

[99.0, 78.0]

There are 5 students in class 1 and class 2 combined.

Scores in combined list:

[56.0, 78.0, 89.0, 99.0, 78.0]

The highest score in the combined list is 99.0

The lowest score in the combined list is 56.0

Scores in the combined list sorted in ascending order:

[56.0, 78.0, 78.0, 89.0, 99.0]

Scores in the combined list sorted in descending order:

[99.0, 89.0, 78.0, 78.0, 56.0]

Save your Python program in a file named Lab11P1.py. Submit the file to Blackboard for credit.

Problem 2

Write a program to do the following:

(a) Generate 10 random integers in the range of 1 through 4. Store them in a list named list1. Display list1.

(b) Create a new list named list2. Copy the last 5 elements of list1 there. Display list2.

(c) Remove all occurrences of 2 from list2. Display the list. There should be no 2s in there anymore.

The following is an example.

List 1:

[4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4]

List 2:

[3, 2, 4, 2, 4]

List 2 with all 2s removed:

[3, 4, 4]

Reference no: EM132356509

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