Write a program the contains an array of 1000 elements name

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13159505

1) Write a program the contains an array of 1000 elements named rolls. The rolls array should be populated using a for loop and assigned a random number simulating the roll of a pair of six sided dice. Using a second loop, your program should find the # of times the value or 7 or 11 was rolled. You program should display the probability that a 7 or an 11 was rolled.

2) Write a program that stores the following numbers in the array named miles: 15, 22, 16, 18, 27, 23, and 20 that lives in the main() function. Have your program pass the entire contents of the miles array to a function named named displayInts(). The displayInts() function should display the values of the array it received. The function should separate the printed values with a "-".


3) Write function named scalarProduct() that accepts two double arrays and returns the scalar product. A scalar product is a0b0 + a1b1 + a2b2+ ... + an-1bn-1.

Write a simple main() function to test your function.

4) Write a function named equals() that accepts two char arrays and return true if both arrays have the same characters in the same order. The function should return false otherwise. Write a simple main() function to test your function.



Reference no: EM13159505

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