Reference no: EM131487727
Question: Write a program that will simulate the FCFS and SSTE Seek optimization strategies. Assume that:
a. The disk`s outer track is the 0 track and the disk contains 200 tracks per surface. Each track holds eight sectors numbered 0 through 7.
b. A seek takes 10 + 0.1*T ms, where T is the number of tracks of motion from one request to the next, and 10 is a movement time constant.
c. One full rotation takes 8 ms.
d. Transfer time is 1 ms.
Use the following data to test your program:
Arrival Time Track Requested Sector Requested
0 45 0
23 132 6
25 20 2
29 23 1
35 198 7
45 170 5
57 180 3
83 78 4
88 73 5
95 150 7
o For comparison purposes, compute the average, variance, and standard deviation of the time requires under each of the strategies.
Consolidate your results into a table.
o You need to upload your source code files, a sample input file, and screen shots of all corresponding results for the input file.
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