Write a program that will read a file of student names

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131504825

Computer Science: C++ Assignment

Test_data.dat Whitewater High School has contracted you to write a program that will read a file of student names and test scores in the formation FIRST NAME LAST NAME: SCORE1 SCORE2 SCORE3, where each of the scores is an integer. Then your program is to print a report, sorted by last name with each of the last names fully capitalized (that is, if you read in Wilkinson you print WILKINSON) followed by a comma, then the first name, then a colon, then the scores, then the average for the student, and lastly a letter grade (based upon 90 percent or greater being an "A," 80 percent or greater being a "B," and so forth). At the end of the report the averages for each test are to be printed also. Needless to say, the report must be written to a file and must be "pretty" (in proper columns and such). (HINT: Read in the whole line as a string, switch the first and last name, sort the names, then compute the math. Use stringstream for input and output to read the separate items from each string once they are sorted and to format the output line before printing. Also, since you do not know what the total amount of data may be (the file below is only a SAMPLE to make sure your program runs, use vectors to store your data)
There is a test data file in the Files section of Canvas.

Below the main body of the report output who had the highest score for each test, and then the highest average overall.

If there are two or more people with the same last name, have them alphabetized correctly.

Attachment:- Test_data.rar

Reference no: EM131504825

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