Write a program that will process the data file

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13694501

Question: You have a text file that generated 1000 lines with a faculty member's first name, last name, rank and salary. The ranks are randomly generated as assistant, associate, or full. The salary is randomly generated for an assistant from $40000 to 50000, for associate from 50000 to 100000 and for full from 60000 to 110000. The output looks like this:

FirstName1 LastName1 assistant $25133.42
FirstName2 LastName2 full $100123.44
FirstName1000 LastName1000 associate $52344.11
Write a program that will process the data file to read the file and calculate
1) The number of assistants and the average salary
2) The number of associates and the average salary
3) The number of professors and the average salary
4) The Lowest Salary and the person who earns it
5) The total number of professors and their average salary

This should be displayed in a JFrame, and an ArrayList should be useful.

Make this program using java programming. Make this program in simple way.

Reference no: EM13694501

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