Write a program that will manipulate an array

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132210408

You are to write a program that will manipulate an array. Your program should handle up to 100 integer numbers.

Label the results for each printed out below. You will have several different outputs below. Print your results in the same order given below.

For each part below, write one or more functions (there are a number of functions).

Restriction: A function that does any of the calculations listed below can NOT print out the results in that function but must print out results in either the ‘main' routine or call a different function that only prints a results. A function does one task and only one task.

1. Read in the values into the array. The last value is a 0 and is NOT one of the values to be used in any of the calculation below. The input is found in array.data

2. Print out all the values in the array with no more than 10 numbers per output line.

3. Print out the average of the set of numbers.

4. Print out how many values are larger than the average and how many are smaller than the average. Pass average as a parameter.

5. Convert every negative number to a positive number. Print out the array.

6. Print out the average of the set of numbers.

7. How many numbers in the array are multiples of 4 and 11?

8. Find the largest number and print out the number and its position.

9. Find the smallest number and print out the number and its position.

10. Zero out all even value numbers in the array and print out the array.

11. Print out the new average for the new array.

Reference no: EM132210408

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