Reference no: EM13347987
Write a program that will be used to gather statistical data about the number of movies college students see in a month. The program should perform the following steps:
- Read integers from movies.txt into a dynamically allocated array. The first number in movies.txt shows the number of students participating in this survey. The rest of the numbers represent the number of movies each student saw.
- Sort the array in ascending order operating Insertion Sort.
- Show the sorted array 10 numbers per line.
- Determine and display the following:
o Average
o Median: the value in the middle of a sorted array; if the array contains an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two middle elements.
o Mode: the value that occurs most often; if the array has no mode, the mode is -1.
Insertion Sort using pointer and display the sorted array 10 numbers per line using a pointer
Calculate average using a pointer and median
Determine the mode