Write a program that validates time when entered

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131030451


Comments are REQUIRED; flow charts and pseudocode are NOT REQUIRED.


The files must be called <LiFiUnit6Ch15.java>

LiFiTime.java (Time class file)

The files must be called as specified above, (LiFi = Your Last Initial Your First Initial)

Proper coding conventions required the first letter of the class start with a capital letter and the first letter of each additional word start with a capital letter.

Only submit the .java files needed to make the program run. Do not submit the class files or any other files.

Style Components

Include properly formatted prologue, comments, indenting, and other style elements as shown in Chapter 2 starting page 64 and Appendix 5 page 881-892.

Topics covered in chapter

Topics with * are covered in this assignment.

*Exceptions and Exception Messages
*try / catch
*checked and unchecked exceptions
*generic catch block

Basic Requirements

Write a program that validates time when entered. It should output the time as either AM or PM or the error if entered incorrectly.

See sample output below.


• Driver class should loop until "q" is entered to quit
• If enter is not "q", then create an instance of the LiFiTime object passing the entry as an argument
• If no error

o Print time by calling print method in LiFiTime class
• If error
o Print error message (see sample)

LiFiTime.java class

Time objects should store the time in 2 integer instance variables, hour and minute, and include a string variable to hold the error. This should be initialized with null.

LiFiTime Constructor:

• Receive time as a string
• Perform error checking to ensure time was entered in proper format to include a color (:) between the digits
• Use indexOf and substring to separate the time string into the appropriate instance variables
• Check hour to ensure is between 1 and 23
• Check minute to ensure is between 0 and 59
• If an error occurs, change the error instance variable to reflect the error (see sample)

print method:

• Include a separate method to print the date using printf to output time in digits for the hour and 2 digits for the minutes
• Print AM if before noon and PM if after noon. Do NOT print in military time

getError method:
• Include a getError method that returns the error instance variable to the print method

NOTE: Complete your activity and submit it by clicking "Submit Assignment"


Your output will vary based on the random numbers generated.

Sample session (requires no user input):
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 5:20
05:20 AM
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 05:20
05:20 AM
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 05:80
Invalid minute entered: 80

Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 15:20
03:20 PM
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 25:20
Invalid hour entered: 25
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): 0520
Invalid separator entered: :
Enter time in the form mm:dd ("q" to quit): q

Reference no: EM131030451

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