Write a program that uses the divide-and-conquer technique

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131398385

Question 1.

Let a[0..n-1] be an array of n distinct integers. A pair (a[i], a[j]) is said to be an inversion if these numbers are out of order, i.e., i<j but a[i] > a[j].
For example: if array a contains the following numbers:
9, 8, 4, 5
then the number of inversions is 5.
(inversions are 9 > 8, 9 > 4, 9 > 5, 8 > 4, 8 > 5)

Write a program that uses the divide-and-conquer techniqueto count the number of inversion in the array.

Question 2. Given two sets of nunique integers A and B, determine if A is equal to B, i.e., all the elements of A are in B.Write a program that uses a transform-and-conqueralgorithm with efficiency class Θ(nlogn) to solve this problem.

Example #1: Enter the number of integers in the sets: 4
Enter the first set: 9 5 3 2
Enter the second set: 3 2 9 5
These two sets are equal.

Example #2: Enter the number of integers in the sets: 6
Enter the first set: 1 4 3 2 8 6
Enter the second set: 1 3 9 4 6 8
These two sets are not equal.

Please note that a program using a brute-force algorithm with efficiency class Θ(n2) will NOT be marked.

Verified Expert

This assignment is based on the Java program. In this assignment two task are assigned to perform one involve fining the total number of inversions in the array through divide and conquer mechanism. So a divide and conquer algorithm method merge sort is used to determine the number of inversion in the array. The second task involves determining the whether the two sets A and B are equal ie. all elements of A are in B a transform and conquer methodology is followed to determine whether the two sets are equal. The program is executed in eclipse and out is documented together with the coding

Reference no: EM131398385

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3/10/2017 4:12:40 AM

Phenomenal expert, Finished my paper before time span. Exceptional work. I was bit confused with the requirements but undoubtedly this expert cleared all of my doubts. such a great team. thanks.


3/10/2017 4:10:22 AM

Can I have discount please I've been using this site for a while. I just want to make sure about the second program solution , the teacher has mentioned in the assignment fro the second question this: " Please note that a program using a brute-force algorithm with efficiency class T(n2) will NOT be marked." so my question is to the expert ! is the brute-force algorithm in the solution not T(n^2) ? if so , what kind of efficiency class T he will use. it is not T(n2) , it is O , or Big-theta. the simple doent show. I have used merge sort and binary search technique for second program. Not brute force.


2/18/2017 12:09:02 AM

By using Java eclipse programming write the program questions provided Please note that a program using a brute-force algorithm with efficiency class T(n 2 ) will NOT be marked.

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