Write a program that uses all of your functions

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132111984

(In Pyhton):

Write a program that uses all of your functions from above to carry out an RSA key generation, encryption, and decryption. Your program should get user input for two primes p and q, as well as a plaintext integer M. Display the RSA public and private keys that are generated.

Show the ciphertext C that results from encrypting M using the public key. Finally, show the result from decrypting C using the private key.

This decrypted output should match the original plaintext M.

Python tip: You can use the input() function like Java's Scanner class. By default, Python treats the entered information as a string, but you can call the int() function to convert it to an integer.


x = int(input("Enter an integer: ")) print("You entered " + str(x))

Reference no: EM132111984

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