Write a program that transmits a series of characters

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132080150

You need help to write a program that transmits a series of characters (in C).

The sequence will consist of "AlphaNumber", where Alpha is meant to be a letter, cycling from A to Z, and Number is a digit that cycles through 0 to 9. The sequence that comes out should look something like "A0B1C2D3....".

The objective is to send a letter-number pair every 500 milliseconds. We will also want to be able to restart the sequence, so we will watch for a capital R to be received and once it comes in, restart the sequence at "A0".

Program structure


Set serial port baud rate.

Set up Timer

Loop: if 500 milliseconds have passed

Send message

Update message

if serial data has come in

if serial data equal to 'R'

Reset message transmission.

The baud rate should be 9600 baud and the code should use the following functions: Serial.begin(baud), Serial.print(), Serial.available(), and Serial.read().

Reference no: EM132080150

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