Write a program that that displays a dialog box

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131037521

Basic Requirements

Write a program that that displays a dialog box show a message and a randomly chosen color.

This random color is to be used as the background color of a JFrame window which should appear after "OK" is selected. The window should ask your name and thank you for playing once "Enter" is pressed.

See sample output below.


-Utilize showMessageDialog to output the message shown in the sample at the bottom. A random color should be output with each run

-Upon clicking OK

-Create a JFrame window

o Set the background and label text color as shown in sample below
o Include a label asking to enter name (see sample)
o Include a textfield to get input for name (see sample)
o Upon hitting "Enter" on the keyboard, output thank you message to include the name entered as per sample at bottom

-Use an inner class for the listener

-Mimic the same session precisely. Pay attention to colors of the window and label.

Reference no: EM131037521

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