Write a program that takes a desired temperature

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131591977

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Write a program that takes a desired temperature as an input from the user. The temperature must be between 0 and 999 degrees.

If the desired temperature does not contain 1, 4, or 7, then display the desired temperature. If it contains 1, 4, or 7, compute and display the next largest temperature that doesn't contain 1, 4, or 7.

For example, if the desired temperature is 450, then the program should output 500. Similarly, if the desired temperature is 375, then the program should output 380.

In your program, include and use a function named "containsDigit" declared as below. If the entered number contains a digit, the function should return true. Otherwise, the function should return false.

Reference no: EM131591977

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