Write a program that stores the values

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132211462

Question: Write a program that stores the values ' X' and 76.1 in separate memory cells. Your program should get the values as data items and display them again for the user when done.

I have this but for some reason its unsuccessful build please help. I just want to copy and paste to get it successful

/* program to display the character "x" and values "76.1".

//Headers file section


//Program begins with a main function

void main()


//declare variables

char ch;

double num;

the values "X" and "76.1' stores in separate memory cells ,ch and num.

//intialization of values



//displaying the stored values

printf(" the character is ="%c",ch);

printf(" The value is = %.1f",num);


Reference no: EM132211462

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