Write a program that stores numbers in the given range

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132211455

Question: Write a program that stores numbers from the range 0 - 1000 in an array.

Your program should

Create an array of size 50

Run in two modes and ask the user which mode they want to run in

(T)est Mode: store the numbers 1 though 50 into the array,

(P)roduction Mode - Fill the array with a file called numbers.txt

Ask the user for a number, validate that it is in the range of the array numbers, then

Call the following function

The function accepts 3 arguments - the array, the size of the array and the user number. It should then print the location (index) and the value of all numbers larger than the user's number.

In test mode the numbers in the array are limited to being filled with 1 through 50, and the user input is limited to 1 through 50

In production mode the program will fill the array from a file filled with unknown numbers from the file numbers.txt, and limit the user test number to the range 0-1000

Note: You will need other functions in my program I ended up with 2 other functions. Make sure your function matches the description above, the others can be as you design them

Make sure you check for input ranges on inputs.

You will find attached an executable to run showing the program output, and a numbers.txt to use with your program.

number.txt file 721 37 620 577 85 536 598 291 125 631 76 639 677 423 321 877 266 796 670 613 436 223 83 316 647 786 844 163 835 64 921 425 419 648 67 48 956 595 236 254 447 211 943 877 256 951 680 196 111 484

Reference no: EM132211455

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